All tagged Breakfast

A Quick & Simple Way to Eat Healthier More Consistently

Here’s something you LOVE to admit:

You actually like eating healthy! 

You enjoy how making healthy choices makes you feel.

Yes, you feel great physically.

But you also feel great mentally, because you’re proud of making a healthy decision. 

You show up as your best self when you start your day strong.

And when you feel your best, it has a ripple effect for the rest of the day.

You’re more open, more creative, more energetic, happier, more productive.

But something you DON’T like to admit:

You don’t eat healthy consistently

You hate to admit it, but your efforts to eat healthier and feel your best are sporadic.

The problem isn’t knowledge of what’s healthy.

You have a good understanding of what’s good for you and what’s not.

The real problem that keeps you from eating healthy consistently:


You feel like there’s just not enough time in the day to plan, prep, and make it happen day in and day out.

But feeling your best and showing up as your best each day REQUIRES you to be consistent.

That’s where the rubber meets the road- consistency. 

Easier said than done, you might be thinking.

But I’ve got a super simple strategy to help you 😊

One of the best ways to be consistent:

Stocking your kitchen with healthy food.

Yes, it really is that simple.

When your kitchen is stocked with healthy food, you’ll eat healthy.

But I’m not suggesting you stock your kitchen with dozens and dozens of items that will overwhelm you and leave you thinking that grabbing takeout is so much easier (which would leave you feeling bloated and disappointed).

What you need are the must-have essentials that make healthy decisions effortless (or nearly effortless).

What you need are the healthful fundamentals that you can use to make meals and snacks in 15 minutes or less.

A stocked kitchen should contain items that make consistent healthy eating a no-brainer.

So, what are the 10 kitchen staples I always have at my fingertips?

The ones that nudge me to eat healthy consistently?

I created a free eBook for you to not only show you what I always have on hand, but to show you exactly what you can make using those 10 essentials!

Breakfasts, lunches, dinners, snacks- it’s all in there 😊

I know from experience that having these staples on hand, and having a cache of super quick and simple recipes in my back pocket, helps me be consistent.

I hope you find that these kitchen staples and fast and healthy meal ideas help you be consistent too. 

VIDEO! My Morning Routine When I Travel + The One Simple Habit That Sets Me Up For Success

Do you wish you had a solid morning routine?

What if you could feel set up for success for the WHOLE day with one simple habit?

In this video, I share with you my morning routine when I travel & the one thing I have do to every morning to feel like I'm winning the day!

Win the day with this FREE cheatsheet, which includes simple, quick, and easy breakfasts:

Simply Morning Routine Travel Edition:…/simple-morning-routine-travel-edit…

My Morning Routine- How and Why I Became a Morning Person:

Should You Eat Breakfast:

How to Choose a Healthier Breakfast Cereal + My Top 3 Recommendations:

A Simple Morning Routine-Travel Edition

The power of morning routines is undeniable.

When you win the morning, you win the day.

And as creatures of habit, we thrive off routines.

But travel throws a wrench into our routines, since vacation, by definition, is an experience outside of our daily habits.

My morning routine is so engrained in my daily practice that I often feel antsy and a little “off” when I don’t do it.

And part of my routine is a healthy breakfast.

But again, travel often throws a wrench in our healthy eating habits.

Do you feel the same way?

To beat this wrench-throwing travel fiasco, I found a solution to help me feel my best on vacation.

And I had to share it with you, because the solution is incredibly simple:

Eat the same healthy breakfast every day.

So simple, yet so effective.

Last week, I traveled to Virginia to visit family.

And on the first day there, my Mom and I went on a wild goose chase through town to find the precise breakfast items I wanted.

Apparently, Ezekiel cereal is hard to find, because we went to 5 grocery stores before finding it…

But once I found it, I had it every morning with warm unsweetened almond milk, cinnamon, and creamy almond butter.

Simple breakfast.  Simple routine.

And the power of this simple morning routine on vacation was undeniable.

I didn’t feel antsy or “off.”

I didn’t overindulge the rest of the day, because I started my day strong.

I ate ice cream almost every night with my family, and looked forward to it each day, knowing I hadn’t eaten unhealthy from the very beginning of each day.

I felt great.

I didn’t spend time guessing and wondering what I would have for breakfast the next day.

And I looked forward to my breakfast each morning.

Your Action Step: 

When you’re traveling, establish a morning routine by eating the same healthy breakfast each day.

Perhaps you go to the same café and order the same thing each morning.

Or perhaps you do a quick shop for cereal and almond butter that you can have in the hotel.

No more time wasted, wondering “what should I have for breakfast?” or “where should we go out to eat today?”




Winning the day.

What will your travel edition morning routine be?

Should You Eat Breakfast? Or Should You Be Skipping It?

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is an absolute must-have for young children and adolescents. 

But do adults need breakfast? 

And if they do, why?

Let’s take a look at what the research says:

Why you’re likely skipping breakfast:

Only about 30% of people eat breakfast!

Eating breakfast is a challenge for many people.

Do you resonate with any of the following reasons for skipping?

·        You don’t have enough time to eat breakfast.

·        You’re too busy to make breakfast. 

·        You’re trying to lose weight, so you don’t want the extra calories of breakfast. 

·        You think eating breakfast will make you hungrier throughout the day. 

·        You’re not hungry. 

·        You’d rather sleep those extra minutes

·        And then breakfast is controversial…

·        Should you be putting grass-fed butter in your coffee?? Well, that’s a whole ‘nother blog post…

If you’ve ever skipped breakfast or are in the habit of not eating breakfast, you’ll definitely want to keep reading. 

Once you see the benefits, you may just be motivated to become a breakfast eater 😊

Why you should NOT skip breakfast:

You ready for this? Here’s we go!