All tagged Time-Saving

[VIDEO Interview!] 5 Tips to Reduce Overwhelm, Stress, and Guilt During COVID-19

Hi there!

Join me as I talk with Dr. Jessica Larson of Mama Be about how to reduce overwhelm and stress (and the guilt around bad habits) when it comes to healthy eating.

I share 5 simple tips for how to make healthy eating easier and more efficient, especially during times when you are stressed, spread too thin, and are short on time.

Whether you are a busy mom in need of some serious self-care, or your an executive responsible for leading your team effectively, these tips are for you.

Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

In order to show up as your best, and to serve your best, you MUST fill your cup first.

Let’s talk about quick and easy ways to ensure you fill your cup:

5 Time-Saving Tricks to Make Your Life Easier (& Healthier) + FREE BONUS GUIDE

One of the biggest, most common struggles with eating healthy is time.

Finding the time to plan, prep, cook, and eat the way you’d like can be challenging.

After all, you’re busy.

You work long hours.

You’re juggling a lot of responsibilities.

Throw in a newborn or a crazy toddler (or two!) in the mix, and it’s no wonder you feel short on time and energy.

But you CAN eat in a way that gives you energy and makes you feel great, without you needing to sacrifice any more of your time.

Here are my top 5 time-saving tricks to help make your life easier, simpler, more balanced, and healthier:

Is Self-Care a Daily Routine for You? Forms of Self-Love + Valentine’s Day Recipes

Every year, Matthew and I avoid going out on Valentine’s Day like the plague (or like coronavirus…)

The crowds, the decision fatigue around choosing a “romantic” restaurant, the prix fix menus…it all became a little too much for us.

So we created our own tradition of curling up by the fire with a warming and comforting dinner and good conversation. And this year, an episode of This is Us.

But whether you celebrate with your loved one, your friends, or spend it at home with much-needed R&R, Valentine’s Day is also about self-love and self-care.

10 Must-Have Tools to Save You Time, Energy, and Effort!

We always want to take the path of least resistance- and it makes sense!

The easier something is, the better. And that's true when it comes to habits, too. The easier, the better.

That's why our "bad" habits often stick around- they're the easier alternative to the healthy habits.

Well, I'm here to say that building healthy habits should be easier. The easier they are, the more likely we are to stick with them.

Today, I'm sharing the tools you need in the kitchen to save you time, energy, and effort, so that meal prepping becomes that much easier (and something you want to keep doing!).

These are your 10 must-have kitchen tools that will make prepping, cooking, and cleanup so much easier and will help you build healthy habits:

Should You Eat Breakfast? Or Should You Be Skipping It?

You’ve probably heard that breakfast is an absolute must-have for young children and adolescents. 

But do adults need breakfast? 

And if they do, why?

Let’s take a look at what the research says:

Why you’re likely skipping breakfast:

Only about 30% of people eat breakfast!

Eating breakfast is a challenge for many people.

Do you resonate with any of the following reasons for skipping?

·        You don’t have enough time to eat breakfast.

·        You’re too busy to make breakfast. 

·        You’re trying to lose weight, so you don’t want the extra calories of breakfast. 

·        You think eating breakfast will make you hungrier throughout the day. 

·        You’re not hungry. 

·        You’d rather sleep those extra minutes

·        And then breakfast is controversial…

·        Should you be putting grass-fed butter in your coffee?? Well, that’s a whole ‘nother blog post…

If you’ve ever skipped breakfast or are in the habit of not eating breakfast, you’ll definitely want to keep reading. 

Once you see the benefits, you may just be motivated to become a breakfast eater 😊

Why you should NOT skip breakfast:

You ready for this? Here’s we go!